Sunday, July 10, 2011


I woke up early, like I had been for the last 4-5days.  When I say early like 4 am early and POAS, but nothing happened.  It seems that at 4am my target was off and I just made a mess, so back to bed and I went, will try again later.  So at 7:45am I tried round 2, please God let this show me that you are the creator of life.  Please bless us with a child to love and be a servant to you. 

So I waited the 3 minutes and bright pink with 2 lines!  Holy cow surely it is wrong?  So I pulled out my 4am mess and OMGosh it was positive too!!  So I did a 3rd one with another positive result.   Well I was now out of tests and woke up Mike crying, "you have to go buy more tests".  He was completely dazed and confused, but got up and off to WalMart he went.  I cried the entire time he was gone.  Could my dream really be coming true? 

While he was gone, I sat thinking about the test I had taken on Friday and to my surprise it was positive then as well but I had thought I just tried to hard to see a second line that I didn't believe what I had seen until Sunday.   I ended up doing 5 HPT tests that day and to my surprise every one was a BFP!!! 

Please be in prayer for a big beta number tomorrow at my appt.  My close friends and few family members that knew we had done another round of fertlity meds all got a text with 3 positive tests to share the news.  My daddy also got the news in person with 3 positive tests in a plastic bag.  Everyone was very emotional about our wonderful first step. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

IUI #2 - Ready, Set, GO....

So the hubby and I got up early and dropped off his specimen to the fertility clinic.  We headed to a wonderful breakfast then returned for my appt at 9am.  So in 5 mins we were in the room and out the door 15mins later.  SA showed 12million motile sperm postwash, what a great number!!  Dr G was quite pleased and said that anything over 10million is great!!  I guess now our 2 WW begins... talk to you all in 14days!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Finally the end?

I went into my appt with the Nurse practioner and was super excited to see her measuring away.  I had 5 follies measuring 13.8-18.8mm and my E2 is 997.  Here we go... the plan is trigger tonight and IUI #2 on Sunday morning.  Please God let this time work for us, I know that you have a plan for us and I place my fertility and my life in your hands for you are always faithful. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

All bruised up?!

Holy smokes or should I say holy bruising??  I am bruised from my labwork which has been taking 2 attempts per appointment and my tummy looks like a punching bag.  I have bruises on bruises, but I am not broken and I will continue with a positive accepting attitude.  This might not be the journey I expected but I am determined to make it a journey to remember.  My appointment today showed 2 follicles measuring 13.5 and 14 and many other small ones, so I couldn't be more excited and my E2 539.  I have a feeling we are getting very close and can't wait to see where things are in 2 days when I return.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Today is cycle day 10 and bright and early I am off to the doctor's office for my morning US and labwork.  I am so excited this morning, it's fathers day and I get to spend my day with my daddy.  Happy Father's Day to all the fathers of babies, angel babies, fur babies or future babies!!!  May you each feel blessed for the many great things in your life.  Mike and I got to enjoy breakfast buffet with Dad and Carlene and then off we church we went.  The topic was duck tape and how flexible and strong it is and how each man should use these principles in his daily life.  Mike and Dad each got their very own sample.  I was thrilled to be hosting Chelsea and her friends and Dad and Carlene for a late lunch, followed by my pitch playing.  It has been a joy to pass a game our family has loved for generations on to younger generations.  My friends the Biermann's were able to join us and help with orienting the youngins to the game.  What a great day!!!

My E2 399 and so we continue trucking away at 150IU,  but nothing really worth measuring. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cycle day 7

Early morning date with the ladies for a follie check.  No growth today but my E2 97 and we're moving me up quickly to the dosage of medication that worked for me last time.  So my new dosage tonight is 150IU Follistim.  Praying for growth with my next scan.  The best and biggest difference about this cycle is that I have great flexibility in my new position that I can schedule my appointment for anytime and go to them without the worry of finding coverage or if I have work obligations.  I feel like a small amount of stress from just that is taken off my shoulders and so I continue on this journey.

Today God please find me to be a servant of your love and ready to bear a child.  I am nothing without the Lord's strength.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My dream begins...

I forgot how much I had missed the dream of what could be.... Today I have my cycle day 2 US and labs.  My US looked great and ready to get this show on the road.  My FSH 3.5 and E2 74.  I will begin my Follistim tomorrow night at 125IU.  Mentally I am more than ready for this and off we go...