Well it is Tuesday and I made sure to get up and do my hair and all for today!! It is also CD 13 which means appt day to check on my ovaries and see if they have decided to play nicely. I put on my newly bought super cute dress for today and headed out the door. I worked for a couple hours then headed over to the RE's office to find out what kind of progress this ole body is making...
So the nurse does her usual and to my surprise she measured something... I remembered thinking that doesn't look any bigger than every other time but praise God she is measuring! I mentioned that to her and she said I knew you were very anxious and so I measured to reassure you. Well great Lady... there you go and burst my bubble, I thought we were maybe starting to wake up down south (apparently not quite yet). I left a little disappointed by still quite cute in my new dress. So when the call came in from the nurse that my E2 is now 166 I about jumped out of my skin and did a dance. Maybe we will play a little nicer at the next appt? As long as my E2 is rising then we are heading in the right directions even if it is a little slower than I had hoped. Tonights new dose is 1 more click up to 133IU, please follies its time to play. I cant get that kids game... Simon says out of my head, well listen here 32yr old ovaries its time for action because SIMON SAYS!
We shall see if that does the trick... Friday is my next appt. Please send prayers my way, I am very bitchy from all the hormones and repeated "not yet" visits. I need strength for me and my family as this journey continues to feel like Im climbing a mountain.
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