Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Decision to try IUI #2

It's been a long time since I have blogged or wanted to think about my infertility journey.  I have been taking the last several months for myself.  I have been preparing my heart and mind for the journey ahead.  I wasn't prepared last round for the extreme emotional toll infertility and treatments place on a person, but today God has provided clarity.  I have strengthed my relationship with God, I have pleaded for his mercy and accepted his forgiveness.  So the next logical step for me was to hand over to him my life, my body and my mind.  I was ready for his help in this journey and his strength at the end of each day.  Praise be to God for all the glorious gifts I have been given.  I am his servant and today my king will walk beside me. 

Mike and I decided that we are ready for another try at IUI with injectable medications.  And so today I made the call to the Dr. to get the show started.  I will begin prometrium to bring on AF.    

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