Friday, September 10, 2010

Today I realized our dream comes with a price tag... A large price tag!

And the stimming continues... CD 16 and I might have found my dosage?!?  My E2 is 245 and my u/s showed 1 follicle at 9mm.  I had to reorder for the 3rd time this cycle! yeehaw?  The Fed Ex guy should know how lucky he is that I had already had my breakdown for the day when he finally arrived with my meds.  I was ANGRY that he was so late, which made me late for my monitoring appt and was extremely disappointed with the 'same ole' results.   I truly didnt know how very difficult this whole process would be emotionally.  I feel very weak!  There are times when I am maxed out by peoples comments and find myself crying over things that, previous to this experience, would have rolled right off my shoulder. My eye must remain on the prize and so I continue on when I want to stop the bumpy uphill roller coaster.  Please pray tonight for all of us IF families... that we will have a short time on this journey, that each of us have strength to keep moving toward the prize and that 1 day God will bless us too. 


  1. So excited you started a blog! It is awesome to get to follow your journey....through hell :) Sorry that it is taking so long to find that "perfect" dose but if you have to do it again next month you will at least know where to begin! I am keeping you in my thoughts & prayers Steph as I know how difficult this journey can be! Keep your chin up & blame your mood on the meds! They will definitely make you crazy & very emotional!

    Hugs - Heather :)

  2. Thanks for the sweet comments Heather! You truly inspired me to express what I feel on paper... its not always good and positive but it is what I experience! And if/when ever we do concieve it will be nice to someday share our journey with our children.
