Friday, September 24, 2010


Today is the day I have waited 30days for.... My appt this morning we measured 5 follies: 1 at 19mm (mature), 14.5mm (which RE is hoping will be mature in time), 1 @ 13.8, and 2 @ 12.5.  My RE didnt give me an actual number of my E2 today but he did say that is was high and that I was ready.  I feel bad now knowing that we have finally made some headway, I requested at my appt (prior to the U/S) to speak to my Dr.  I wanted to be sure that we were all on the same page and that this cycle will be finished 1 way or another today.  8 cartridges of Follistim later and I triggered with Ovidrel 20mins ago.  I am ecstatic and nervous.  So much going through my mind... so hopeful for what could be!  Please pray for hubby and I as we take another step closer to our dream. 


  1. Woo hoo - so excited for you! Sounds like you got a few good-size follies in there! Hope all goes well Sunday morning! Will be anxiously awaiting a report to see how you did! Wishing you lots of luck & sending a few prayers your way :)

  2. Thanks so much Heather for your words of encouragement!! The actual IUI was fine, but Ive had lots of cramping this afternoon... I guess in 2weeks we will see how it all turns out!
