Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Welcome Tripp

The last couple of days have been busy around our house.  We got a new dog... his name is Tripp!!  Harley really needed a playmate so we adopted another friend for her.  Tripp is half Harleys size, he's a Dauschund/Beagle mix and he is a whole 17 pounds.  He is very sweet and keeps up with Harley playing nonstop.  He is a happy little fella and we are loving having him at our house.  Except that he has felt the need to "mark his territory" and on my carpet.  But I guess we will keep him!

Today started off frustrating... I got in my car to head to my appt and it wouldn't start, just click, click, click!  So I called Mike and he came home from work to help me, but of course we tried to jump start it and nothing...dead as a door nail.  So Mike went with me to my appt, which proved to be quite interesting.  I was disappointed because my 1 follicle didnt grow, in fact, it stayed the same.  But to my surprise we had some growth.. 3 other follicles have began to grow.  She measured 5...yes 5!!!!!  Holy smokes.... 1 follie at 13.8mm(same one from last time), 1 follie at 13mm, 1 at 12mm, and 1 at 11mm and 1 at 10mm.  WOWZER!  I finally have growth.... I could do a jig!!!  My E2 today is 496... we are getting so close!!!  I go back on Friday for a recheck and hopefully that is the day I will trigger, so it looks like Sunday morning might be our insemination.  Wish me luck!  And maybe a small prayer for only 3 to get to mature... I would hate to see all this work go to waste because too many decided to come out and play!

I was reminded again today of Gods power in my life... I was at Fed Ex, after my appointment, to pick up my meds again and will need 1 more order again this week to get through to Friday.  When a woman came in crying while I was checking out.  She handed the woman at the counter a picture and said "he's missing"  I was sad for her... I had assumed it was her dog.  Then as I was walking away I got a closer look, it was a picture of about a 3year old little boy... My heart was broken!!  Please pray for this family and families everywhere that have "lost" their children.  God reminded me in that moment that I have inner strength that will carry me through whatever obstacle that lies ahead... God bless each of you that have given me strength in my time of need. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow - congrats are in order! First on the "new furry addition" & second on your growing follies :) Woo hoo! I am so excited for you!

    I am SO happy that you are seeing some results. If for whatever reason this cycle doesn't work out, at least you will have a good idea of where to start with your meds next round & it won't be such a "guessing game"!

    I will continue my prayers for you both & hoping this all works out for you! Stay strong Steph!

    HT :)
